Friday, December 9, 2011

Thanksgiving '11

Yeah...Yeah...Yeah....I haven't been here in a while, but I am lazy remember ! I thought I would at least get some T-day pics up before Christmas got, here goes. I spent 3 days cooking and eating and enjoying some good company and eating some more. Not much to say folks....hope you at least enjoy the pics......we fed about 40 people that day !

Oh...and btw....I did not have anything to do with burning the rolls !

and this is how I felt after all was done and over with !

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Corn days !

Finally, I am blogging again. It has been a while and I apologize for the long time it took me. Hope no one forgot about me. Several weeks ago I got a call from a friend of mine and she needed me to come and help her out for a week or so. She had fallen and broken her wrist and needed me to take her to day surgery to have pins put in. I, of course could not get there fast enough for her. Surgery went well and she did just fine......She is one tough southern lady !  I had prepared to stay a few extra days to help out, but did not realize just what I was in for. The day of her surgery her daughter-in-law came home from work with 375 ears of corn ! SO, we shucked all that corn starting on a Friday from 6 am till sometimes 11pm and by Sunday at 3pm we had everything cleaned up and in the freezer. Now folks, that is a lot of sweet creamed corn. I had never creamed corn before so, it was a new adventure for me. But, as soon as I took my first bite......I knew it was all worth it....swollen hands and all.

This is from the foyer into the dining room.....lots of corn.

From the dining room into the foyer.......

This is the "tool" for turning whole corn into creamed corn. You poke hole in the top and use the side with the teeth and scaped the too old to learn. We didn't have to throw not one cob away because it was bad. It ALL was nice sweet pretty corn. Hope we get that lucky next time.

These two are Maggie and Prissy.....they watched us carefully and made sure we did it right. Comic relief for us !  Maggie is a Maine Coon cat that weight 27 lbs  and Prissy is a stray kitten who adoped the family ! All in all, I would not trade any of the time I spent there.....the memories, the things I learned and just being with good folks.....I loved every minute of it. I am sorry I did not get any photos of the finished product, but by that time I was so tired, I didn't even know where my phone was at or cared.....there will be more corn before long....One last bunch.....late corn....we will not be creaming will go into the freezer whole....!  I am looking forward to going back for that experience !

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Thoughts !

Let me start by saying what a nice day we had in South Georgia today. It was cool breeze blowing and soft rain on and off all day and somewhere in the low 80's. Just perfect for sitting in the glider on the balcony and reading. But wait, did I do that......NO ! I didn't, I am addicted......I admit it......addicted and have been for a couple of so years now. Sad but true. I SAT on my butt watching jury selection for the Casey Anthony trial in Florida, on my PC.....all darn day. I mean all day...from 8:30 AM till 5:30 this afternoon. Whew,,,,thank goodness the judge is not holding court on Sundays, maybe I will be able to see by Monday. Hard on these old eyes, staring at a PC screen for that long. Wish I had a updated TV set, I would just hook my PC up to it. much for my addiction. I will detox when it is all over .        I Promise !!!!
Next is sad but oh so true. As I was laying in my bath tonight, soaking these old and painful bones tonight. I thought to  myself  "Gee, wish I knew of someplace to go tonight or at least know someone to go and do something with. "  Next, thought (and it came quickly) "Shit girl, you are still waiting on your Prince Charming to show up on his white horse and as old as I will be an wrinkled old man on a jackass."  And that is all I have to say about that.
I cannot (well, I could) take credit for this, I read it somewhere. It made me laugh out loud, now remember I live myself    (laughing alone) that strange ?
" I watch CSI, NCIS, Law and Order and Criminal Minds. I could kill you 17 different ways and make it look like Calvin and the Chipmunks did it !"     HA !  I just laugh again and still by myself. 
I will close for now. The "other" voice in my head is telling me to put away the PC and do my nails. Oh....crap, I haven't told about the "other voice".  You will have to wait for me to explain that one till another time.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Dog's Tail

This is my dog. He doesn't live with me anymore, and I miss him. I also just wanted to see if I could do this. So, it is not much but, enjoy !

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Home Sweet Home !

Well, I am bored today as you are about to see. I thought "What the heck ? " So, here ya go......boring photos........

This my dears is my little piece of heaven and it is so darn quite around here.................all the time !  And I do love that !

This is my second view. And I am not showing the third view...........can you say ugly !!!!

Believe it or not folks, these bloomed all winter sitting out on the patio. Aren't they pretty ?

My newest babies, dang, I'm good !

And can't forget the tiny ones with wings. 
And so folks this is my yard, do I dare do pics of the inside of my apartment ?  Let me think about it  and I 'll get back to you !

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Achoooo.......Spring is here.........Achoooo !

Ah....spring is here and it brought me all the treats that go with it. Sneezing, coughing, runny nose and itchy eyes. I will survive, as soon as it rains.  But, on to more important things like Casey's Birthday. Yes, my dear you are a year older and yes, my dear I know I am late with this.  But, Hey    I been sick, ok ?  Anyway, you are for sure one of those "one of a kind girls" and you wear it well. I love your wit, your big smile and how you can drive your sisters crazy. I can just imagine your parents throwing(burning ) the mold when you came into the world. I hope you found everything you were looking for at the MOA and I also have to ask you to do me a favor.....NEVER CHANGE ! Love you bunches !

Monday, March 21, 2011

Birthday and Memories..............

I would like to say Happy Birthday to a very sweet girl that I know from Wisconsin. I know that now she is a grown woman with children of her own, but she was a child the last time I seen here. I remember how she loved my cats as much as I did and that is a memory that will stay with me, Happy Birthday Mallory.........!


yes, I am going dancing AGAIN  Friday nite. Dancing is one of my Fav-O-Rite things to do and I plan on enjoying every minute of it again !  Life just keeps getting better and better as the days go by.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Red and The Wolf

Last night proved to be nothing like I expected (dreaded really).  Was taken to my favorite place to eat (and I did, big time), then on to the movies to see a movie that I had said I had wanted to see ( didn't think men listened anymore), then to a nice quite (sort-of) lounge for a few beers, dancing and some really nice conversation. Hum mm, I thought as I was being driven home at 3 AM.......this was just plain fun........!  Even caught me thinking "I hope I am asked  for another date" happened today via a phone call to thank me for a nice time. Life really goes on !

Friday, March 18, 2011


Weather here is great and the Arts and Crafts Festival is going to be even better !

Monday, March 14, 2011

Huh ?

Bored today so was surfing the Internet dating sites. Can up on one guy who "just lost his other half and was needing a replacement ". Now, I ask you, is "replacement" the right word to use.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

1st thought.

My taste in men suck !

too many thoughts !

Just starting to blog and have so many thoughts, that I am going to have to sort through my mind to sort and post later....stay tuned........