Saturday, May 14, 2011

Thoughts !

Let me start by saying what a nice day we had in South Georgia today. It was cool breeze blowing and soft rain on and off all day and somewhere in the low 80's. Just perfect for sitting in the glider on the balcony and reading. But wait, did I do that......NO ! I didn't, I am addicted......I admit it......addicted and have been for a couple of so years now. Sad but true. I SAT on my butt watching jury selection for the Casey Anthony trial in Florida, on my PC.....all darn day. I mean all day...from 8:30 AM till 5:30 this afternoon. Whew,,,,thank goodness the judge is not holding court on Sundays, maybe I will be able to see by Monday. Hard on these old eyes, staring at a PC screen for that long. Wish I had a updated TV set, I would just hook my PC up to it. much for my addiction. I will detox when it is all over .        I Promise !!!!
Next is sad but oh so true. As I was laying in my bath tonight, soaking these old and painful bones tonight. I thought to  myself  "Gee, wish I knew of someplace to go tonight or at least know someone to go and do something with. "  Next, thought (and it came quickly) "Shit girl, you are still waiting on your Prince Charming to show up on his white horse and as old as I will be an wrinkled old man on a jackass."  And that is all I have to say about that.
I cannot (well, I could) take credit for this, I read it somewhere. It made me laugh out loud, now remember I live myself    (laughing alone) that strange ?
" I watch CSI, NCIS, Law and Order and Criminal Minds. I could kill you 17 different ways and make it look like Calvin and the Chipmunks did it !"     HA !  I just laugh again and still by myself. 
I will close for now. The "other" voice in my head is telling me to put away the PC and do my nails. Oh....crap, I haven't told about the "other voice".  You will have to wait for me to explain that one till another time.

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